Selector: [fMarker]
The FMarkerDirective is a directive that represents a start or end marker for a connection.
type: EFMarkerType;
The type of the marker, either start or end. Accepts a value from EFMarkerType enum.
height: number;
The height of the marker.
width: number;
The width of the marker.
refX: number;
The x-coordinate of the marker relative to the connection.
refY: number;
The y-coordinate of the marker relative to the connection.
<f-connection [fOutputId]="id1" [fInputId]="id2">
<svg fMarker type="f-connection-marker-start"
[height]="height" [width]="width" [refX]="positionX" [refY]="positionY">
//svg content
Example of how to create a custom connection marker. The marker is created using an SVG element and fMarker directive. FMarkerDirective requires the following attributes: type
, height
, width
, refX
, refY
. [type] attribute accepted values are from the EFMarkerType enum.