Selector: f-canvas
The FCanvasComponent is an Angular component that serves as a container for nodes fNode and connections f-connection. It provides a canvas where these elements can be positioned and manipulated, offering features like dynamic positioning, scaling, and rendering optimizations.
position: IPoint;
Sets the position of the canvas. Redraws the canvas when the position changes.
scale: number;
Sets the scaling factor of the canvas. Redraws the canvas when the scale changes.
fCanvasChange: EventEmitter<FCanvasChangeEvent>;
Emits an event when there are changes in the canvas state, like position or scale updates.fitToScreen(toCenter: IPoint = { x: 0, y: 0 }, animated: boolean = true): void;
Adjusts the canvas to fit the screen, optionally centering around a specified point and using animation.
resetScaleAndCenter(animated: boolean = true): void;
Sets the canvas scale to 1:1, ensuring elements are displayed at actual size and centers the canvas, optionally using animation.
centerGroupOrNode(groupOrNodeId: string, animated: boolean = true): void;
Centers the canvas around a group or node with the specified ID, optionally using animation.
setScale(value: number, toPoint: IPoint = { x: 0, y: 0 }): void;
Sets the scale level of the canvas, optionally centering around a specified point.
getScale(): void;
Returns the current scale level of the canvas.
resetScale(): void;
Resets the scale level of the canvas to 1:1.
A general class applied to all F components for shared styling.
Specific class for styling the FCanvasComponent component.