Selector: f-flow
The FFlowComponent manages the flow of draggable and connectable elements within a visual canvas. It allows for dynamic creation, positioning, and interaction of elements, supporting features such as element connections, layout calculation, and event handling.
fFlowId: string;
The unique identifier for the component instance. Automatically generated. Default: f-flow-${uniqueId++}
fLoaded: EventEmitter<void>;
Emits an event when the flow has fully loaded and initialized.getAllNodesRect(): IRect | null;
Returns the bounding rectangle of all nodes in the flow.
getSelection(): FSelectionChangeEvent;
Returns the current selection state of the flow.
selectAll(): void;
Selects all items in the flow.
select(node: string[], connections:[]): void;
Selects the specified nodes and connections in the flow.
clearSelection(): void;
Clears the selection state of all nodes and connections in the flow.
redraw(): void;
Calls the redraw method on all nodes and connections in the flow.
getPositionInFlow(position: IPoint): void;
Returns the position of the point relative to the flow.
getFlowState(): IFlowState;
Returns all nodes, groups and connections in the flow, including their positions and properties.
A general class applied to all F components for shared styling.
Specifically targets the FFlowComponent, allowing for unique styling.
<f-flow [id]="customId" (fLoaded)="loaded()"></f-flow>
Example of two connected nodes without dragging functionality. The nodes are connected by a connection line from the output of the first node to the input of the second node.
Let's add the fDraggable directive to the f-flow to enable dragging functionality. Also, we need to add the fDragHandle directive inside fNode to specify the handle for dragging.